

Comprehensive Eye Exams

Adults and Seniors

The two main goals of an adult and senior comprehensive eye exam are to give you accurate corrected vision and to thoroughly check the health of your eyes.

Accurate Corrected Vision

We recognize that each patient is unique because we all use our eyes differently depending on our occupation and hobbies; a programmer, hockey player, mechanic, or tabletop dungeon master will all have different visual needs. Our aim is to provide you with the most accurate prescription with your lifestyle in mind.

Eye Health Check

A thorough eye health check is important because it allows for the early detection and intervention of eye conditions. Many sight-threatening ocular health conditions begin asymptomatic - meaning you can feel normal but have a sight-threatening condition. Our goal is to proactively detect and prevent any form of vision loss before it happens.

We communicate directly with your family doctor, and we provide direct referrals to ophthalmologists (eye specialists/surgeons) if needed.

Fundus Picture of Eye Vasculature


The three main goals of a child comprehensive eye exam are to give your child an accurate corrected vision, thoroughly check the health of their eyes, and ensure that their visual system is developing properly.

Visual System

Our visual system goes beyond being able to read black-and-white letters on an eye chart, it also includes hand-eye coordination, object recognition, depth perception, and much more. These visual skills start to develop in early childhood and are key to a child’s cognitive development. An annual eye exam is crucial for the early detection of visual development problems such as amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (one eye turns in, out, up, or down).

First Eye Exam

A child’s first eye exam can be done as early as 6 months old.

When examining infants and preschoolers, we will not ask them to read letters or pick which lens is clearer. We will instead use objective ways to perform the exam while making it fun! We understand that your little ones may feel nervous about doctor visits, and that’s why we will try our best to make the eye exam an enjoyable experience for them.


After their first eye exam, children should be tested on an annual basis. When children are school-aged, these same visual skills can impact learning and reading abilities if not looked after.

Ocular Disease Management

Ocular Diseases Management

We are fully equipped to diagnose and co-manage a variety of eye conditions with your ophthalmologist and/or GP such as cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration. Adults and seniors should see their eye doctors every year even when their vision seems fine as many eye conditions are silent and could lead to irreversible vision loss if not detected early.

Combined OCT scan and Fundus Image of Eye Vasculature

Surgical Co-Management

If you are planning to have an eye procedure such as LASIK, PRK, cataract surgery, or are interested in having one, we will assess your ocular health status, determine your eligibility, and work closely with your surgeons to ensure a smooth and stress-free process.

Eye Emergencies

If you need urgent eye care, book an appointment with us. We will fit you in! We will spare you the long wait in the ER, prescribe the best eye drop medication for treatment, and directly refer you to the on-call ophthalmologist when needed. Some examples of eye emergencies are listed below.

Eye trauma

If your eyes were hit with a blunt object, if the surface of your eyes were scratched, or if you feel there is a foreign object stuck in your eye(s).

Pink eye

‘Pink eye’ usually refers to an eye infection caused by either a virus or a bacterium, but your eyes could look red for a variety of other reasons. If your eyes look red, watery, or have excess mucus secretion.

Detached Retina

If you are experiencing new floaters, flashes of light, or partially dark or blurry vision, book an appointment with us as soon as possible. If your schedule does not permit, then go to the nearest ER. These are signs of a retinal tear/detachment, which could result in permanent vision loss.

Contact Lens Fitting

Fitting Sessions

Because everyone’s eyes are different, not all contact lenses fit the same. We make sure that you feel comfortable in your contacts by checking that the contact lens sits well on your eyes and that your vision is as it should be while wearing them.

Most contact lens-related complications are due to poor fitting or poor hygiene, with some complications leading to permanent vision damage. We want to keep your eyes healthy, which is why we will take the time to properly fit and educate you about your contact lenses from the start.

Your contact lens fitting will include:

  • Selecting the right replacement schedule to fit your lifestyle.

  • Selecting the appropriate brand, power, and base curve to ensure that your vision is clear, and your eyes feel comfortable.

  • Instruction on the insertion, removal, and hygiene of your contact lenses.

  • Providing trial lenses to achieve an optimum fit.

  • Follow-up visits to finalize the fitting and to answer any questions you may have.